Jackson Hole Wintery Weather Watching
Planning a Trip to Jackson, Wyoming? Check These Resources
Snow is the basis for participating in the many, fun winter activities that locals and visitors enjoy at this magical time of the year. Whether you’re planning on skiing or snowboarding, snowshoeing, sleigh riding or wildlife watching, snow and weather has an impact on all these activities.
Jackson Hole locals are already turning into amateur meteorologists and monitoring weather sites and radar watching for signs of winter, like our recent winter storm, and snow in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
And we’re starting to see good signs for more snow and a lot of it in high places. Here are some resources to help you monitor the weather and snow and plan for your trip to Jackson Hole, Wyoming and Spring Creek Ranch stay.
Mountain Weather
Get the Jackson Hole Forecast from local meteorologist Jim Woodmencey. “Woody,” as he is known by locals, collects the weather and reports it on his website (by 7:00 a.m.) and on a local radio station KMTN. As a former ski and mountaineering guide, Woody’s forecasts include a decidedly outdoors-person focus with an experienced perspective.
National Weather Service & NOAA Weather Alerts
Serious weather alerts or winter storm warnings are the bane of existence to most people around the country, but a boon (usually) for people in Jackson Hole. Seeing the flashing red weather alert and “SEVERE STORM WARNING” in all caps while potentially dangerous can have beneficial effects such as copious amounts of snow! It’s a good idea to know what to prepare for and how to dress before you head out for your next adventure.
Spring Creek Ranch Weather Cam
Check the weather cam in the sidebar of the Spring Creek Ranch homepage to get a real-time visual of what’s happening and arguably the best view in the Jackson Hole valley, unless, of course, there’s a winter storm blocking the view.
Jackson Hole Mountain Resort
Just miles away from Spring Creek Ranch, the Jackson Hole Mountain Resort reports often, if not daily, on the state of the resort’s conditions. Here’s some recent chatter that shows how early winter weather events are helping to lay a good foundation for a long winter of skiing and snowboarding.
“We received almost two feet of this heavy snow this weekend, with well over two inches of moisture. Although this type of snow is not what we think of when we think of Jackson Hole powder, it is the perfect type of snow to set up a great base for the season. We have received 97 inched of snow, so far this season and we now have a four-foot base at the upper elevations. All this heavy snow, combined with plenty of wind has helped cover the mountain very well and the upper mountain is looking fantastic.”
Bridger-Teton National Forest Avalanche Center
Whether you’re heading out into the Jackson Hole backcountry, or not, the BTNFAC is a good place to check out conditions.
Find a Spring Creek Ranch winter special that’s perfect for your winter trip to Jackson Hole, Wyoming, and keep an eye on the weater! Call today to learn more about winter activities and packages and specials (800) 443-6139.