Winter Birds

By on April 6, 2009 Categories: Jackson Hole Winter, Wildlife Safari

Winter Birds - Spring Creek Ranch, Jackson Hole, WY
As our ski season winds down for the year the local wildlife watching remains dynamic and as interesting as any other time of year. Spring migrants are getting most wildlife enthusiast’s attention these days as we welcome back red-wing blackbirds, red-tailed hawks, ospreys and mountain bluebirds.

As the snow melts in the southern grasslands of our valley, elk and bison are beginning to make their way off of the National Elk Refuge and into Grand Teton National Park.

The birds to the right are intrepid little animals that will endure our long winters rather than migrate south.

Each species can commonly be observed at feeders and from top to bottom are nuthatch, pine siskin, pine grosbeak, black-capped chickadee and mountain chickadee.